
Bag Blog Shoe is about pretty pictures. Pretty pictures of bags and shoes to be exact. Written by Carleen Coulter, owner of the popular beauty blogs Beauty and Fashion Tech and Girl Gloss, Bag Blog Shoe arose after spending countless hours looking at shoes and bags on Pinterest and discovering a certain joy in the simple sharing of photos of shoes and handbags.

There is no snobbery here. Shoes and bags of all price ranges and brands are open to being covered. The only requirement is that they be interesting, useful, or pretty, and that they look nice in a photo. When possible, shopping links to the items are  provided.  In full disclosure, we do use affiliate links to help support our sites (and handbag shopping addiction).

Want to see more? Follow Carleen and Bag Blog Shoe using the various social media icons to the right at the top of the sidebar.

See also the Google Plus Author Page.